Hey guys.
My name is Donovan Wagner and today we are going to talk a little bit about pricing your photography when you’re first starting out. So you guys have gone and done your free shoots, you’ve built your portfolio and you’re ready to start charging your clients.
So the first thing you need to consider, and most people are guilty of this, is undercharging is doing my harm than good. So when you market yourself as a professional photographer and you are out there charging less than every other photographer in your area then you’re really devaluing the whole industry, so it’s not good for yourself as well as other photographers. Keep that in mind and also undercharging, you’re just losing potential income you could’ve made.
The second thing you need to consider when pricing your work is do your research, what are other people charging in the area? What are other people charging for the same style of photography you are providing and use that as a benchmark and just price your work accordingly.
Third tip is: separating yourself from your price points. If you’re willing to $500 for a photoshoot and Lululemon is willing to pay $50,000 for that photoshoot, those are two very different things. So just separate yourself from what you’re personally willing to pay for something because clients are often willing to pay a lot more. That’s important when you’re pricing your work. Keep those three things in mind when you’re starting out. Hope this helped and if you have any other questions, put a comment below.We’ll reach out as soon as we can. Thanks for watching.